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Price Transparency Data Use Cases

Price transparency data has many applications across healthcare. Below is a non-exhaustive list of common use cases for price transparency data broken down by industry.

Health System Uses Cases

  • Rate analysis for planned contract renewals and renegotiations
  • CDM optimization
  • Site-of-service rate comparisons
  • Competitive analysis of other hospitals or health systems
  • Evaluate potential joint ventures
  • Financial modeling for new service lines
  • Rates used as the basis for patient estimate tools, GFEs, or AEOBs

Payer Use Cases

  • Rate analysis for planned contract renewals and renegotiations
  • Strategy/analytics/network contracting
  • Site-of-service rate comparisons
  • Competitive analysis of other payers
  • Rates used as the basis for patient estimate tools or AEOBs

Speciality Provider Use Cases

  • Rate analysis for planned contract renewals and renegotiations
  • Site-of-service rate comparisons
  • Competitive analysis of providers within the same specialty
  • Competitive analysis of hospitals or health systems that have a department for the same specialty
  • Evaluate potential joint ventures
  • Financial modeling for new service lines
  • Rates used as the basis for patient estimate tools, GFEs, or AEOBs

Life Sciences Use Cases

  • Reimbursement modeling and scenario planning
  • Education materials as part of a budget analysis tool
  • Rates used as the basis for patient estimate tools